DVCon Europe
SystemC Modeling Challenge
How good can you predict and analyze power consumption of a small application
with a compact SystemC model? Help developers with your ideas!
Knowing and understanding the power consumption of HW/SW systems is of paramount importance for system design and 3D integration:
heating problems, battery lifetime, costs for packaging and cooling are influenced by the power consumption.
They can be improved with accurate models for estimation for means for analysis.
The Challenge
The challenge is to create a SystemC model that predicts the power consumption of a processor that is running software that uses a transceiver to receive and send messages.
- Given by the organization are measurements in characteristic scenarios (power consumption, heat).
- Use this as input data for your power prediction methods, whethere you are using formal meths or even machine learning.
- Enjoy the contest

Your challange is to estimate power consumption in an unknown scenario.
A jury will give extra points for creative features beyond the pure estimation of consumed energy. In particular interesting are heat and power consumption peaks that are usually a thread for power and signal integrity.
Evaluation Criteria:
- 40 %: accuracy of the predicted energy consumption
- 30 %: runtime required for computation
- 30 %: creative extra features that support development
The Prizes
1st to 3rd Place
You win a premium Huawei device.
4th to 10th Place
You win a nice device. e.g. Tablet, Smart Watch, ESP32 Development Kit
Traveling Grants
We are happy to annouce that for up to 5 participants the travel to the DVCON Munich is sponsored.
Best Guess Award from Audience
Best guess price from audience / DVCon participants for energy consumption, runtime
Presentation of your approach
Short presentation of approaches in program slot of DVCon Europe
Register for the DVCon Europe Modelling Challenge
This allows you to download the testbench, measurements and example solution.